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Big Behaviors

One of our main jobs as parents is to teach our children appropriate and effective behaviors. This can be challenging when the smallest person in the room is sometimes the loudest! Navigating these situations can be some of the hardest moments in parenthood. Green Leaf clinicians are here to help. We teach parents strategies to navigate these difficult moments and have the confidence it takes to get through them successfully! Green Leaf clinicians are trained in cutting-edge behavioral therapy techniques. We help you and your child develop ways to get their needs met appropriately and teach you how to respond to problem behaviors at home, in the moment, so your family can have more pleasant interactions!

Sandra Concannon

Therapist, LMFT


Melissa Weik

Therapist, AMFT


Becky Toft

Therapist, LMFT


Kate Hannon

Therapist, ASW


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